*FREE* Hormone Support:

Hormone Happy Grocery List 

(an easy af guide for making sure that your next trip to the grocery store is hormone happy!)

 Grab your grocery list here! ✅

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In this freebie you will get:

✔ A download with a list of my favorite hormone happy foods
✔ ​A clear guide to shopping for each macro category
​✔ Animal protein + plant based protein sources

 Grab your grocery list here! ✅

Meet Calee Shea


As you probably know by now, I'm a zero bullshit kind-of gal, and I work with clients to create changes that work  and that last!
My focus is on hormones, gut health, and sexual wellness, so the symptoms I specialize in range from acne and weight to period problems and vaginal health issues.
I'm a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (INHC).
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Grab your grocery list here! ✅